Yes is Not Always the Answer


 Is it hard for you to say no? Are you a YES man or woman? Well if you are, it can really affect your business. Doing more and more, until the point where you get burned out or pushing your employees to do the same is not productive and can actually start to harm the quality of work produced. Not only will you suffer, your staff will suffer and ultimately your business will suffer. 

When looking for employees, you don’t want someone that just says yes to whatever you say or want. You need a critical thinker, someone that will question things that may not be right or could be improved upon. Or maybe they are able to bring you an idea that will create a smoother path to your goal; but if they are so busy trying to please “the boss” they lose focus on making sure the end outcome is as efficient and successful as possible. It will end up showing  in their work productivity.

I am always loimagesoking for team members that will challenge me, even as the CEO of Going 2 Natural. I want them to tell me their ideas, their concerns, as well as be able to not only point out problems they see in the present or future but also speak on them. If they are feeling overwhelmed or have too much on their plate, they need to be able to communicate this to me. We have an open door policy in our collective and it really makes the quality of work excel beyond measure. Of course there is always a balance as we do not want someone that does not know how to take instructions at all, but finding the middle ground is key. 

indexSometimes it is okay to say “NO” and sometimes it will save your business from making some serious mistakes. Being a yes man never benefits anyone if that yes is lined with resentment, problems, or a better solution that will never be expressed.  Most people that always just tell the boss yes, don’t really care about the company’s long term goals and tend to not really listen to what is needed to take the business to the next step.

So take time to remember to lead with innovation,truth and the ability to not only say yes but to also say no. Your staff will see you lead by example and  take heed to the type of qualities you are looking for. Engage them and seek their opinions because it takes a village to build anything worth keeping.




Kriegel, Robert J., and Louis Patler.  If It Ain’t Broke– Break It!: And Other Unconventional Wisdom for a Changing Business World. New York: Warner, 1991. Print.

Wannabes DON’T Get the Job Done

red man

Be yourself! That is what they always say. I have been hearing that since I was a kid, so taking  that lesson into our business has been quite beneficial. Don’t get me wrong, it is great to learn from others, but you have to find out what works for you.

Nobody ever really made it to top by being a wannabe. So what do I mean by a wannabe? In the work place there are some “who mirror a boss or someone in an higher position,”(Kriegel). Looking up to someone as a mentor, is totally different. Taking the knowledge you learned from someone else and using those skills to be a person that stands out in your industry is exactly what you are supposed to do. Trying to copy those in positions in power to the extent where you lose your sense of self and vision, means you lose the ability to be received as organic and genuine. In your industry, find your niche and roll with it. Create an idea that is totally refreshed or even better brand new! Believe you are enough.

copycatSo how do you determine if your a wannabe? I read an article on, Are You Only a Wannabe?  It made me analyze myself and see if there were any of these traits in my behavior, whether in my personal or work life. To be honest there were two. The one that stuck out in my mind the most, was afraid of success and the other one was doubt. I have to admit I do suffer from these downfalls, so reading this list really gave me an ahaa moment to self evaluate and remind myself I can do it. This made me want to share a quick overview of the list,  as I am sure this information is a great check list to help anyone stay focused and practice the type of behavior and lifestyle it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.

1) Lack Goals: You know the type: Wannabes think success just happens. So they don’t create clear goals.

2) Don’t Make It a Habit: They claim it’s a calling. But it’s really a diversion. Wannabes talk a good game. Their words ooze with erudition and passion. But their habits reflect a commitment to something else entirely.

3) Always Comparing: Want to know the quickest path to losing your mind? Start comparing yourself to others.

4) Doubt: We’ve all heard it. It’s that inner voice: “You’re not smart enough.” “You don’t have the connections.” “It’s already been done.” “What happens if you fail?” “Isn’t this life good enough?” That voice questions your abilities. It sees what it is, not what could be. And it can only divine the downsides.

5) Get Defensive: Wannabes are defined by one trait: Fear. They shy away from criticism, terrified of having their precious handiwork examined.  When challenged, they close themselves off or lash out, claiming anyone who disagrees “just doesn’t understand.” .

6) Procrastinate: Wannabes don’t look forward to the work. So they find ways to put it off. Some wait for the “right time,” believing inspiration will somehow strike and the work will take care of itself.

7) Underestimate the Work: Here’s a secret: Wannabes are romantics. They picture a world where great ideas just pop up. Their work will somehow fill what’s missing from their lives. But here’s reality: The process is tedious, exhausting, and thankless. It’ll encompass countless false starts, difficulties, and disappointments.

8) Develop No Track Record: Many wannabes are full of ideas. They’re often pretty good. But here’s what separates the wannabes from the couldbes: Wannabes rarely finish. They spend their days gathering information, weighing, revising, polishing, and perfecting. But they rarely put anything out into the world.

9) Don’t Live in the Moment: You’ll find a wannabe anywhere but the present.  Some are jumping steps ahead, counting their future sales and building a trophy case.

10) Stop Improving:  They taste a little success. And it feeds into their worst instincts. Suddenly, these wannabes think they’re better than what they really are. They lose their edge.

11) Driven By the Wrong Reasons: They hitch their identities to certain paths without truly understanding why. Will is only as strong as the reasons that fuel it.

12) Won’t Ask for Help: Typically, wannabes are out to prove how smart and tough they are. So they go it alone and do it their way.

13) Not Always On: Talented people just can’t shut it off. Their minds are always churning with new ideas to expand and enhance their brand.

14) Care What Others Think: Every person who ever made a difference shares one trait: They didn’t listen to their doubters.

15) Afraid of Success: Pretty ironic, huh? Some wannabes are actually intimidated by a little success. Read full article.


In order to stay relevant and on top of the game in any business or industry, the entrepreneur must become good enough by continually  “smoldering, studying, experimenting, revising, inventing, and persevering. That’s the same formula that molded every pioneer from Sophocles to Steve Jobs. The doers understand one truth: Wannabes compare themselves while leaders separate themselves,” (

So lets be leaders that stand out from the rest in strength, hard work and passion my fellow entrepreneurs!


Kriegel, Robert J., and Louis Patler. “2.” If It Ain’t Broke– Break It!: And Other Unconventional Wisdom for a Changing Business World. New York: Warner, 1991. N. pag. Print.

You Will Make Mistakes


“No matter how much you anticipate, do your homework, and prepare, prepare, prepare, one thing is certain: When you are taking risks, learning a new skill, trying something new, entering a new situation, developing a new idea, testing creative solutions, or challenging yourself in any situation . . . you will make mistakes!”, (Kriegal, Patler).

Ain’t that the truth!

As our collective is growing, G2N is having to leave its confront zone to get to the next step. And by G2N, I mean me and my husband. See my Going 2 Natural team members believe in us, believe in the vision, or they wouldn’t be dedicating their time and becoming so invested. They are ready to take the step. It is harder for me however, and sometimes just down right scary. The reality of the situation is, we have people depending on us and when we make a mistake it no longer just effects us, it effects everyone around us. That is damn right nerve racking. But the other reality is if we don’t keep challenging ourselves, pushing to the next level, our business will not succeed, it will not evolve.

guy mistakeOne thing to count on is that we will make mistakes. But those mistakes will bring  positive growth and change. “Nobody learns to walk without falling,”(Kriegal, Patler).

Trial by error is really the only way a true entrepreneur learns the ropes. Yes experience helps, along with education and being prepared but learning from an oversight means that your dream is starting to manifest into a reality. It means you are brave enough to take the next step, which is an important factor when building your business.

Some oversights will be more severe than others and it is key to prepared and to be as knowledgeable as you possibly can before you make decisions for your business. Laying the ground work will definitely help to avoid a lot of mishaps; but you need to be easy on yourself when it happens and just make sure you really analyze how it went wrong in order to learn from it.

msitakesNo matter how much you try to avoid it, you need to except that missteps are going to happen. The most vital lesson in a mistake is to find out what you did wrong and improve your method next time around so it doesn’t ever happen again. That is the key to turning failure into success. So be invested in your mistakes, learn from them, embrace the journey and every piece that comes along with it.



Jantsch, John. “10 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out.” Business Know-how. N.p., n.d. Web.

Take that Next Step!

step1You gotta know when to make a move, especially in business. It is important to be slow and steady when building a business, but its even more important to realize when it’s time to take that leap. A successful entrepreneur must know how to balance the steady with the risk. If you are too cautious you may stunt your growth but on the other hand if you to do much to soon, you could cut your nose off to spite your face.

So how do you know what is a good balance? I wish I could tell you there is a magic formula that will guide you to your road of business balance but I am afraid that is just not the case. The best advice that was given to me, I will give to you. Trust your gut! Listen to yourself, and have confidence that you can make the right the decisions. Yes, you will make some mistakes but without taking a chance, there NOT be a great reward.

trust you gut

You never hear of remarkable people playing it safe. They may play it smart, but safe…umm, I don’t think so. As Going 2 Natural grows, we are now entering a phase where chances must be taken with as much preparation as possible. The best answer I can give you, is to make sure all your I’s our dotted and T’s are crossed. Try and think of all the possible things that could go wrong and be proactive about the solutions you may be able to offer.


Take the steps that are needed to make sure to secure your choice as best as possible. Trouble shoot your decisions and don’t take them lightly but also know that you can only prepare for so much. Part of being a successful business owner is being able to think on your feet, and take a good situation and turn it around. That is the difference between a good entrepreneur and an exceptional one!



Jantsch, John. “10 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out.” Business Know-how. N.p., n.d. Web.

Stand Out From the Crowd

tennis shoesMany people are in fear of competition and worse of actually losing. If you change the game in your industry, then there will be none that can compare. Set your own rules and push your own limits. This makes for a great Entrepreneur.

Here are 10 Things YOU can do to make your business stand out!

Service – Same goes for a service. Many times this can be the packaging of a service as a product. Consulting is often delivered on an hourly basis. Packaging a consulting engagement based on an outcome, with defined deliverables and fixed package price is a very effective way to differentiate a service offering. Don’t forget to give the service a powerful name!

Product – Can you offer a product unique or even trendy that your business is associated with ? Or, can you extend a product and offer a valuable service to make the product more useful to the customer.

business stand out

Market Niche – Carve out an industry or two and become the most dominant player serving that industry. A really nice bonus to this approach is you can usually raise your prices dramatically when you specialize in this manner.

Offer – Can you become known by an offer you make? I know an accountant that offer his tax preparation clients a 100% refund on their preparation fee when they refer four new clients. They are the 100% refund tax guys.

Solve a Problem – Is there something that prospects in your market fear or seem to believe is universal for what you do? If so, focus on communicating how you have the answer. Painless dentistry for example. I know a remodeling contractor who found that what his clients appreciated the most was the way his crews cleaned up at the end of the day. He began to promote the fact that he owned more ShopVacs then any other remodeling contractor on the planet.

Message of Value– Many times there are things that you do that don’t get communicated. Extra that you provide or services you think should be included. Your positioning might just rest in more effectively communicating what you do. I know an office furniture dealer that has adopted the message – We Make Your Business More Valuable – to communicate all the things they bring to the party. Now, everything they do is focused on delivering on that statement. Everyone else in the industry sells furniture.

Unique habit – I know a financial planner who has his client’s car detailed right out in his parking lot when they come in for their annual review. They can’t help but rave to their friends about this unique touch.

Guarantee – Can you offer a guarantee so strong that no one else in your industry would dream of doing it. This one frightens some people but, you probably guarantee your work anyway, you just don’t say so. Come out and boldly announce that you guarantee results and watch what happens!


Customer Service – Everyone knows the story of over the top customer service provided by Nordstrom’s Create your own over the top customer response system and word of mouth advertising will flow liberally. One of the greatest ways to kick this off is to over deliver on your first customer contact. Give them something more than you promised, give them a gift, give them a related service for free.

Against the competition – Many times you can create your category niche by looking for holes in the offerings of your competitors. If every one in industry fails to address a certain problem, boldly grab on to solving that problem and use your competition as the point of difference.

Clues to uncovering your difference
Look at your current clients. What common elements exist among your best clients? Interview your clients. See if they can tell you why they chose to work with, why they stay, why they refer? Study your competitors more closely. What do they do that you could do better, what don’t they offer they you could, how do they position themselves?

Communicate the difference
Once you find your chosen strategy or combination of strategies to differentiate your business, all of your advertising and promotion should be centered around shouting about that difference. Courtesy of

As you can see there is are number of ways you and your business can stand out from the crowd. Creativity and thinking outside of the box can really take your idea to the next level.  It takes dedication, time and passion in order to be one step ahead of your competitors. So what will you do to make your business stand out?


Kriegel, Robert J., and Louis Patler. “2.” If It Ain’t Broke– Break It!: And Other Unconventional Wisdom for a Changing Business World. New York: Warner, 1991. N. pag. Print.

Jantsch, John. “10 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out.” Business Know-how. N.p., n.d. Web.

Leading With Passion

passion1Many say success is merely in the numbers and if you have the right equation there is no way you can lose. I beg to differ. Passion is the true key to have the perseverance in order to build a business from the ground up. Yes you need a plan. Yes, you need a good team. Yes, you need to have knowledge of the industry you plan on entering, but you need to have passion which makes you stand out from the rest. The light at the end of the tunnel is the passion that drives many businesses into becoming multi-million dollar enterprises.

“The thing that makes the difference between a good manager and an inspiring, dynamic leader goes beyond competence. It’s passion. That is the single quality the is going to lift a person head and shoulders above the rest in these tough times,” ( Kriegel, Patler p13).

Everyone has good ideas, heck even great ones. Some may even have the same idea or a similar one to you. Everyone on this earth is capable of being a dreamer but passion is what makes the difference between a dreamer and a doer. The only way to supersede above the rest is to hold a deeper drive, dedication and patience that is truly needed to succeed. There will be many people in your industry that are equipped with the experience to build a thriving company so in order to stand out from the crowd, you must have a zest that other do not possess.


Many angel investors are looking for a person with fire in their heart over years of experience; who is able to learn and grow with the dedication needed to succeed. Starting a business is not easy and there are a lot of bumps along the way. What will keep you going? What will give you the drive to make your dream a reality? These are the questions that an investor or people joining your start up will ask themselves.  An investor is looking for someone that can make a mountain out of a molehill. Someone that will think outside of the box because failure is just not an option. What makes these characteristics and determination shine, it is passion.


Your passion will also inspire others that join your team, which is crucial when you want your business to not only be good but to be exceptional. So how do you keep yourself motivated when times get tough. As a leader, you do have to pay attention to the details and never cut corners to be above the rest, but you also must have the wherefore all to be able to envision the bigger picture. Your ultimate goal. The biggest challenge in this is to actually believe you can do it and that you deserve the success that is in store for you. If you don’t believe in yourself, then how can you convince anyone else to believe in you.

Leading with passion is very important in order to take your dream from an idea into a tangible business. Learning to use your passion wisely to keep your fire burning will take your business to heights that you never imagined it could reach.


Kriegel, Robert J., and Louis Patler. “2.” If It Ain’t Broke– Break It!: And Other Unconventional Wisdom for a Changing Business World. New York: Warner, 1991. N. pag. Print.