Take that Next Step!

step1You gotta know when to make a move, especially in business. It is important to be slow and steady when building a business, but its even more important to realize when it’s time to take that leap. A successful entrepreneur must know how to balance the steady with the risk. If you are too cautious you may stunt your growth but on the other hand if you to do much to soon, you could cut your nose off to spite your face.

So how do you know what is a good balance? I wish I could tell you there is a magic formula that will guide you to your road of business balance but I am afraid that is just not the case. The best advice that was given to me, I will give to you. Trust your gut! Listen to yourself, and have confidence that you can make the right the decisions. Yes, you will make some mistakes but without taking a chance, there NOT be a great reward.

trust you gut

You never hear of remarkable people playing it safe. They may play it smart, but safe…umm, I don’t think so. As Going 2 Natural grows, we are now entering a phase where chances must be taken with as much preparation as possible. The best answer I can give you, is to make sure all your I’s our dotted and T’s are crossed. Try and think of all the possible things that could go wrong and be proactive about the solutions you may be able to offer.


Take the steps that are needed to make sure to secure your choice as best as possible. Trouble shoot your decisions and don’t take them lightly but also know that you can only prepare for so much. Part of being a successful business owner is being able to think on your feet, and take a good situation and turn it around. That is the difference between a good entrepreneur and an exceptional one!



Jantsch, John. “10 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out.” Business Know-how. N.p., n.d. Web.