The Buddy System

wolf-pack-1Whether it is in the past, in the present or in the future everybody will have to endure a tedious job or duty by themselves. And for many, working alone proves better to them then working in a group. Being that I do consider myself to be a lone wolf at times, I always try remember every wolf has a pack.

Starting G2N has been a road never traveled and we have definitely learned a lot from our success but even more from our failures. Honestly,  failures build success and learning this early on will help to keep your head in the game. This can be a lonely road to travel, a road not many truly understand, but having like minded people  around to bounce ideas off of and spread the work,  is a great way to make sure your dream becomes a reality.

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Trying to do EVERYTHING by yourself  never works. It might for a little while but many end up feeling overwhelmed and things get overlooked. Everyone needs a team, and your team members need a buddy. Since Going 2 Natural’s team members all work other jobs until we are financially stable, it is a challenge to have deadlines and establish a stable work ethic and environment, especially via the internet. But once I establish an online office and paired people up on projects using the buddy system, things started to move and progress really started to be made.

buddy system

The buddy system really does work! For example, our Go2 Yogis used to be just one yogi. And to be honest, it was hard for G2N’s Yogi to build her persona by herself. Self motivation can prove difficult sometimes, especially when you have a ton of other things going on. So we were on a quest to find someone that could team up with her, and as we were looking for a new blogger, we met our Yogi’s perfect match. They immediately took to each other and their persona Go2 Yogis has really taken off. Just having a person to lean on and share a common goal with, really brings out the passion and dedication in both parties.

Finding people that have the same vision as you and your business will take time but when you meet the right person/people you will know, and it will all be worth it. It has taken G2N a year and half to build a strong team, and there is a good chance our team will evolve over time once more. People grow and lives change, so it important to find those few partners that are really in it for the long haul. There is nothing like being around inspired people. It gives me energy and takes my creativity to the next level and leaves me excited for the next great step.

*Sharing your best kept business ideas can be scary , but here are a few ways G2N protects its ideas and property:

  • Make everyone(friends, family, and/or team members) sign a legally binding NDA, (Non Disclosure Agreement). You can find templates on google and change it to fit your needs.
  • Do not share any ideas with people who are not directly invested in your start-up.
  • Check personal and business references.
  • Have new team members take a short personality test. We always give questions that are centered on ethics (and yes some are a bit tricky), but it really shows us how people would react in ethical situations, which is very important to us at G2N.
  • Know the people you are working with, and if they are new to the team, a trial period is always a great idea. This gives you and the new team member time to make sure they are the right fit before giving them all the goodies, so to speak.
  • Empower your team! This builds loyalty and dedication. When someone feels needed and appreciated, the dedication from them will soar.


The most important thing to remember is two heads are always better than one and it really does take a team to get the job done right. Using the buddy system helps people have accountability to each other and it will only drive you and your team members to work harder and better.

Schussler, Steve. “8.” It’s A Jungle In There. New York: Union Square, 2010. 61. Print.


Slow but Steady Wins the Race


Slow but Steady wins the Race! This is absolutely my husband’s favorite line. Being that I am highly e

nergized and constantly on the go… it has taken me years (8 to be exact) to finally appreciate my husband’s gift of “taking it slow”, well at least I appreciate it most of the time.

This world can make you feel rushed, like you are running out of time, and in some essence to be quite honest we could be. No one knows when their time is up, but if we keep rushing to the finish line, we will never remember running the race. Details will be lost and we will miss a lot of things along the way. This falls exactly in line with my previous  blog Details Never Cut Corners where I speak about taking your time to make sure the details of your business are well put together in order to be better than average and stand out among your competitors.

Some entrepreneurs will push a deadline whether its because of money, an investor, or personal deadlines they have set for themselves. More often than not, rushing to meet a deadline can produce mediocre products,  services  and/or project outcomes. If you are this type of person (which I can be at times), ask yourself was the time you saved really worth it?  Was it worth losing those perfect touches that could have made your product not just good but GREAT!   As an entrepreneur and business owner, you have to be able to see the bigger picture and to be able to say STOP when things need to slow down. This will ensure the company’s work truly represents the spirit and mission of your business.

slow and steadyWhen we founded G2N, we knew it would be a slow and steady kind of journey.  We are building our business on social and network capital for the most part without having a cash cushion to back us up. The reason I chose to write this blog is because  I wanted to remind myself not to rush, and to take it easy. Things will fall into place. Right now we are on the edge of being done with the product line of affordable organic hygiene products but instead of pushing them to our customers right away, we have decided to wait.

See timing is everything, and having the right details can be the key to making your business go from okay to excellent. The G2N team wants to make sure each product we sell , is not only a great price for our clients but also one of the best natural products in our class. That takes time. We all know Rome was not built in a day and neither will your start up, that is if you want a business that will grow and maintain successful profits.

So just remember if we so busy rushing to the end,  we will miss out on the journey and the journey is always the most important part!




Schussler, Steve. “8.” It’s A Jungle In There. New York: Union Square, 2010. 61. Print